Saturday, December 18, 2010

At Home

As a little side project I am creating portraits of people in their home. I'm using people who are friends and not really models and only using the light in the room. I'm shooting both film and digital. I like the relaxed nature of photographing without a flash going off each time I press the shutter. These are a few of the images from this past week.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Equestrian

As a rule I try to shoot as much personal work as I can. I find once you get out there on one project two more come to mind. Lately I have been photographing Fox Hunts in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. Let me just say upfront that their is not "hunting" or foxes involved. The hounds chase a scent laid down by an ATV, this allows them to plan a route to ride. The season is short, starting in October and going to the snow falls or Dec 19th. I have been getting out every Sunday between assignments to capture photos. So far I'm very happy with the results. I am now hoping to round out the project with some portraits. This is a test shot I did but I liked it so much I think I'll use it in my online portfolio.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bring back the blog.

I'm not the world's greatest writer that is one of the reasons I take photos for a living. I tried to get away from the blogging but I'm back. I always have a couple personal projects on the go at any given time and this is the best way to post updates. When I took the blog down I setup a tumblr page that I post images to that I take with my iphone. I will continue to do that be sure to check it out. I'm also on Facebook, no "fan" page just me personally. I don't post anything too personal and I add everyone that requests. Here is a recent iphone photo I took while in New York.